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科学研究的重要性The Study of Science

作者:stephen    文章来源:网络    点击数:    更新时间:2009-11-17 【我来说两句

The Study of Science

Science is important to most people living in the modem world for a number of reasons. Science is important to world peace, to the understanding of technology, and to Our understanding of the natural world. Science is also an interesting area of study for a number of reasons. Smile areas of science are especially interesting because they deal with questions all men and women ask themselves. Science tries to provide some explanations for what happens to people. Science is hard to study, One of the masons is that there are so many questions without answers. Much of science involves asking questions, and then studying and doing research to try Io find the answers. Some questions have been studied by research scientists for many years, and the answers are still not known. However, scientists are slowly but surely able to answer more and more questions about life, and these answers change our lives and also 科学的研究 科学对生活在现代社会的人们来说是重要的,这有几个方面的原因。科学对世界和平、技术的理解以及大自然的了解都是重 要的。科学是一个有趣的研究领域,这也有几个方面的原因。某 些科学领域特别有趣,因为它们涉及所有人自身所提的问题。科 学试图给发生在人们身上的事情找到一些解释: 科学难以研究,其中一个原因就是有很多问题还没有找到答 案。大多数科学都包括提问、研究、作调查,试图找出答案。科学 家对有些问题已经研究了很多年了,但还是没有结果。不过,科 学家在逐步地、有把握地回答越来越多的有关生命的问题,而这 些解答改变了我们的生活,也给我们的生活做出了解释。 所有这些不同类别的科学都既重要又有趣。科学家提出并 回答了很多关于人们及其生命的问题。科学的基础知识有助于 你理解这些问题和答案。在现代社会,这种能力对每个人来说都 是极其重要的。


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