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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标教育网 www.59edu.com    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-6 【我来说两句


Dear Boss,

  As all of us have read from the newspaper, the singapore economy has come out of the recession.

  In this life, we all need something most desperatele. I think you should show understanding for the needs of us workers who have given so much support including sweat and service to your company.

  I am sure you will guess what I mean and respond soon.

  Yours sincerely,


  Norman soh.



Dear Norman,


  I know you have been working very hard. nowadays, nothing much has changed. You must have noticed that our company is not doing noticeably well as yet.

  Now the newspapers are saying the world's leading economists are not sure if the United States may go into another recession.  After the november presidential elections things may turn bad.

  I have nothing more to add now. You know what I mean.


  Yours truly,





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