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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标教育网 www.59edu.com    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-6 【我来说两句



  Where it is available, a method of settling a labor-management dispute by having an impartial third party hold a formal hearing, take testimony and render a decision. The decision is usually binding upon the parties.


  The decision of an arbitrator in a dispute. The arbitrator's award is based upon the evidence presented, the agreement and the arguments of both parties. In labor arbitration, the arbitrator's reasons are generally expressed in the form of a written opinion, which accompanies the award.

  Collective Bargaining

  A method of mutually determining wages, hours and terms and conditions of employment through negotiations between representatives of the employer and the union.

  Collective Bargaining Agreement

  A written agreement or contract that is the result of negotiations between an employer and a union. It sets out the conditions of employment (wages, hours, benefits, etc.) and ways to settle disputes arising during the term of the contract.

  Confidential clauses

  The confidential information exemption can no longer be claimed in relation to any contract unless the contract contains a confidentiality clause.

  Economic Compensation

  Economic compensation provides workers, whose jobs have been terminated through no fault of their own. Economic compensation is intended to provide an unemployed worker time to find a new job equivalent to the one lost without financial distress.


  A deadlock in negotiations. After bargaining in good faith, the parties have failed the reach an agreement on one or more issues.

  Labor Organizer

  A person usually employed by a union (usually the regional or international union), whose function it is to enlist the employees of a particular employer to join the union.

  Labor Contract

  The resulting agreement reached by the parties during the negotiations/bargaining process. Also known as a collective bargaining agreement or contract.

  Non-compete agreement

  A non-compete agreement is typically signed by a new employee as a condition of employment. If the employee later leaves the company, a well-written non-competition agreement prevents former employees from competing with the company, recruiting other employees, or misusing confidential information such as customer databases. Such an agreement should always be used when hiring a key employee, as defined by the parameters of the business. A non-compete agreement is particularly useful for employees who have access to critical information, either through job responsibility or through social interactions with owners or high-level executives. Every business should consider having its key employees or sales people sign this contract as part of their employment agreement. If the employee later leaves the company, this agreement will prevent them from competing with the company.

  Public Employee

  A person who is employed by a municipal, county, state, or federal agency or state college or university.


  An individual (regardless of his/her job description or title) having authority, in the interest of the employer, to hire, transfer, suspend, lay off, recall, promote, discharge, assign, reward or discipline other employees of the employer. A supervisory employee is also one who has responsibility for directing employees, answering their grievances, or recommending disciplinary action, if authority is not merely clerical but requires independent judgment.

  Civil Law

  A system of law originated from Roman Law and now prevailing in Continental Europe and other parts of the world. The system is based on statutes rather than court decisions.

  Common Law

  A system of jurisprudence originating in England and later used in the United States and other Commonwealth countries. It is based on judicial precedent rather than statutory rules.

  "Individual Partnership"

  Two or more citizens associated in a business and working together, with each providing funds, material objects, and techniques according to an agreement.

  Sole Proprietorship

  A business entity which, in accordance with the Sole Proprietorship Law, is established in China and is invested in by one natural person, and in which the investor owns all its assets and is unlimitedly liable for all the debts of the business.


  Profit-oriented organizations formed by partners who enter into partnership agreements, jointly make capital contributions, carry on business, share profits, bear business risks and are jointly liable to an unlimited extent for all debts and obligations thereof.

  Joint Venture

  A business activity begun by two or more companies acting together, sharing the costs, risks, and profits.

  Partnership Enterprise

  A profit-oriented organization which is, subject to the Partnership Enterprises Law, formed within China by partners who enter into a partnership agreement, jointly make capital contributions, carry on business, share profits, bear business risks, and are jointly and severally liable to an unlimited extent for all debts and obligations thereof.

  Individual Business

  Refers to businesses run by individuals who have been lawfully registered and approved to engage in industrial or commercial operations within the sphere permitted by law.

  Articles of Association

  The charter of the company, a document filed with the AICs (Administration of Industry and Commerce) by company founders when establishing a company to describe the purpose, place of business, and details of a company.

  Corporate Services

  The area of legal services relating to a corporation needs, such as corporate structure, taxation consultation, human resources, etc.


  A person authorized to attest to and certify certain types of documents in order to take depositions, and to perform certain acts in commercial matters, such as protesting commercial papers.


  Answer made by a defendant to the case presented by the plaintiff.


  Legal decision or official decision of a court.


  Payment made by someone to cover the cost of damages or hardship caused

  Business Secret

  Technological and business information, inaccessible to the general public, which can bring economic benefits to its owner, has practical applicability and for which the owner has adopted protective measures.

  Suit, Sue

  Case in a law court; prosecution of a claim


  Activities to solve a dispute through legal


  A dispute resolution method designed to help warring parties resolve their own disputes without going to court. In mediation, a neutral third party (the mediator) meets with the opposing sides to help them find a mutually satisfactory solution. Unlike a judge in a courtroom or an arbitrator conducting a binding arbitration, the mediator does not have the power to impose a solution. No formal rules of evidence or procedure control mediation; the mediator and the parties usually agree on their own informal ways to proceed.

  Judicial Interpretations

  An interpretation of the decisions made by a judicial system.

  District People's Court

  Court of the lowest level in the court system of the People's Republic of China, usually established at the county level.

  Intermediate People's Court

  Court between the level of the High People's Court and the level of the District People's Court.

Labor law劳动法


  labor relation 劳动关系


  social insurance protection and welfare社会保险和福利


  labor discipline 劳动纪律


  professional ethics职业道德.


  trade unions 工会


  collective contract集体合同


  the conclusion and revision of labor contract订立和变更劳动合同


  invalid labor contracts 无效劳动合同


  term of the labor contract劳动合同期限




  terminate the labor contract终止劳动合同


  responsibilities for violating the labor contract.违反劳动合同的责任


  trial execution /the period of trial use试用期


  contractual labor relationship劳动合同关系


  dissolve a labor contract解除劳动合同


  economic compensation经济补偿


  occupational diseases 职业病


  job injuries工伤


  extend the working hours 延长工作时间


  statutory holidays法定假日


  minimum wage 最低工资


  maternity leave产假


  vocational training 职业培训


  the social insurance社会保险


  labor disputes劳动争议


  legitimate rights and interests 法定权益


  the labor disputes arbitration 劳动争议仲裁


  Annual bonus:年终分红


  Business secrets 商业秘密


  Collective bargaining:集体谈判


  Compensation Liability:赔偿责任


  Confidential clauses:保密条款


  Day-to-day collective bargaining:日常集体谈判


  Defined benefit:固定福利








  Employee stock ownership plan :雇员持股计划


  Economic compensations经济补偿


  Exit interviews:离职面谈


  Flexible benefits programs:弹性福利计划


  Individual retirement account :个人退休账户


  Joint Liability:连带责任


  Labor protection benefit:劳动保障待遇


  On-the-job training (OJT) :在职培训


  Pay grade:工资等级


  Pension benefits:退休金福利


  Pension plans:退休金计划


  Performance Appraisal:工作绩效评价


  Pregnancy discrimination:怀孕歧视


  Retirement benefits:退休福利


  Retirement counseling:退休前咨询


  Special awards:特殊奖励


  Standard hour plan:标准工时工资


  Supplemental unemployment benefits:补充失业福利


  Severance pay:离职金


  Sick leave:病假




  Termination at will:随意终止


  Training expenses:培训费用


  Unemployment insurance:失业保险


  Variable compensation:可变报酬


  Voluntary time off:自愿减少时间


  Work samples:工作样本


  Worker's benefits:雇员福利



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