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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-11-22 【我来说两句


1.---Which is ________, the sun, the moon or the earth?

---Of course the moon is.

A. small B. smaller C. smallest D. the smallest


2.He has made _______ progress this term than before.

A. little B. less C. fewer D. much

答案 B。该题考查的是形容词比较等级的用法。因为是现在和过去进行比较,所以要用比较级,又因为是修饰不可数名词,只能用less, 而不能用fewer。

3.---What delicious cakes!

---They would taste _______ with butter.

A. good B. better C. bad D. worse


4.Bob never does his homework ________ Mary. He makes lots of mistakes.

A. so careful as B. as carefully as C. carefully as D. as careful as

答案:B。该题考查的是形容词和副词的用法区别。因为该词修饰的是动作“做家庭作业”,所以要用副词。又因为表示一方不如另一方要用句型“not as+副词原级+as”,所以只能选B。

一。 单项填空

1.There are many young trees on sides of the road.

A. every  B. each  C. both  D. all

2.--- It’s so cold today.

--- Yes, it’s than it was yesterday.

A. more cold  B. more colder  C. much colder  D. cold

3.Little Tom has friends, so he often plays alone.

A. more  B. a little  C. many  D. few

4.She isn’t so at maths as you are.

A. well  B. good  C. better  D. best

5.Peter writes of the three.

A. better  B. best  C. good  D. well

6.He is enough to carry the heavy box.

A. stronger  B. much stronger  C. strong  D. the strongest

7.I bought exercise-books with money.

A. a few; a few   B. a few; a little

C. a little; a few D. a little; a little

8.The box is heavy for the girl carry.

A. too; to  B. to; too  C. so; that  D. no; to

9.The ice in the lake is about one meter 。 It’s strong enough to skate on.

A. long  B. high  C. thick  D. wide

10.Wu Lin ran faster than the other boys in the sports meeting.

A. so  B. much  C. very D. too


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