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Voa News:What Should Americans Eat?

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-2-22 【我来说两句




Michael Pollan's two thousand eight book, "In Defense of Food," continues the subject of eating by discussing diet and health.

He notes that the more Americans worry about nutrition, the more unhealthy they become. Conflicting reports from scientists and advertisements about what foods make people healthy make eating choices even more difficult.

So, Mister Pollan suggests three simple rules: Eat Food. Not too Much. Mostly Plants.

He defines "food" as whole, fresh foods that come from nature. He rejects processed food products containing unrecognizable substances.

MICHAEL POLLAN: "The basic idea is to take back control over our eating from the corporations we have allowed to cook for us, because that is really what has happened in the last fifty years. You know, fifty percent of our food dollars go to food prepared outside the home. In the interest of convenience, in the interest of the seductions of food science, we are letting large corporations cook food for us. And we have learned and we see it reflected in the state of our public health, that they don't cook very well."

Mister Pollan shows that Americans could start to reverse many health problems and begin to build a richer food culture by replacing processed foods with a diet of natural food.



In October of two thousand eight, Michael Pollan wrote a letter to president-elect Barack Obama which was published in the New York Times Magazine. In the letter, he told Mister Obama that food would play an important part in his administration.

Mister Pollan said food policy was not discussed during Mister Obama's campaign. But he says the new president will have to face it because of its links to health care problems, energy independence and climate change.


Michael Pollan makes several suggestions to the president. He describes the importance of reforming agricultural policies. These policies would support farms to grow diverse crops for local communities. This plan would reduce pollution and America's dependency on oil.

He suggests several ways that the government can change the food system from its centralized organization to a local one. He says such changes would protect America's food sources from possible attack, reduce the spread of food poisoning and improve the economies of rural areas.


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