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英语听力入门Unit 9:Visions of the Future关于未来

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-11-13 【我来说两句


[00:02.00]Unit 9 Visions of the Future
[00:04.78]Part I
[00:07.55]Warming up
[00:10.29]A:Key words:
[00:16.77]businesses           office               transport            advertising
[00:31.19]clerical worker      client
[00:36.15]Listen to some predictions some people have made
[00:40.72]about the business world in the next 20 years or so.
[00:45.87]Add missing words to the following statements.
[01:39.34]B:Key words:
[01:46.00]Mars                 court                population
[01:52.67]nuclear              brain                computers
[02:04.68]dome                 tower block
[02:09.23]Listn to some thirteen-year-old children
[02:13.59]talking about what they think life will be like in the future.
[02:18.92]Add misssing words to the statements.
[02:23.31]I think I'll probably be in a ___ on my way to the planet___.
[02:30.67]I may be in charge of___,judging some robots.
[02:37.62]I think the population will___so much
[02:44.18]that either everyone will be living in big plastic domes in the Sahara Desert
[02:49.53]or else they'll be living____.
[02:53.19]Obviously___worries me,but I don't think that'll happen.
[03:02.65]Because I don't think that any human being can
[03:06.59]-is capable of actually pressing some button(s) that release all the____.
[03:12.94]Perhaps we'll be able to convert___into radio waves
[03:19.60]and then change them back to brain waves,
[03:23.44]so you could actually have____with someone without talking.
[03:28.12]And there'll be so many people-I think there may-unless they have another_to go to
[03:36.16]-there'll be loads and loads of ____for people to live in.
[03:40.60]It'll probably be____that are running the country by then.
[03:47.16]Part II
[03:51.42]Working at home
[03:57.48]A:Key words:
[04:03.64]communications industry
[04:07.30]computers            at home              responsibilities
[04:19.58]terminal             flexitime
[04:24.72]Listen to an interview.
[04:27.96]Write down the advantages and risks of working at home mentioned by Miss Dermott.
[07:41.43]B:Now listen again.Answer the questions with dey words.


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