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英语阅读:Creative minds dream of designs

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标教育网 www.59edu.com    点击数:    更新时间:2007-11-23 【我来说两句

英语阅读:Creative minds dream of designs

DESIGNERS have a desire to create. They mix knowledge with artistic (艺术的) ability. Designers focus on a specific area. It could be in fashion, cars or websites. Designers make things look good and work.

The first step is to find out why the design is important to the client. They must think about the size, shape, weight, and cost of the design.

They make drafts (草图) or drawings by hand or computer. Most use computer-aided design (CAD) tools (电脑制图工具). Designers need up-to-date computers.

Most designers specialize. For example, commercial and industrial designers develop man-made products like toys and furniture. Fashion designers make clothing and accessories (饰物) like belts and hats. Graphic (绘图) designers use computer software to design newspapers and other publications, plus (加上) labels for all sorts of different products.

More graphic designers are making Internet pages. Interior designers plan the look of homes, offices, and hotels. Window dressers plan and set up windows of department stores. Set (场景) and exhibit designers create scenes for films, television, and theatre productions.

Designers may work in their own office or in their clients' home or office. They may work long hours, including evenings or weekends, to meet deadlines.

Some may travel. Those who are paid by contract (合同) are under pressure to please clients and to find new ones to keep a steady income.

How do you get the job?

Designers must have an eye for colour and detail. Designers also need problem-solving skills.

Most designers need formal training after high school. Some attend professional design school, but many need a bachelor's degree. A few designers learn their skills on the job.

New designers get on-the-job training for one to three years. Some leave to become teachers in design schools. Some leave to open their own design businesses.

How much does this job pay?

Earnings of designers vary widely. The average starting designer earns between 38,000 and 45,000 yuan a year.

What about the future?

Numbers of design jobs are expected to grow fast. However, there will be strong competition for most jobs. Many talented people are attracted to a career in design.


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