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赤脚跑步Is Barefoot Better?

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-9-11 【我来说两句

tection against injury, and wearing shoes, along with socks and layers of foam and padding, makes this feedback loop impossible. Studies have shown that barefoot runners are able to monitor instinctually the force with which their feet strike the ground, while runners in shoes consistently land with more force than necessary, shocking the joints. The excessive heel padding in most running shoes also places feet at an awkward angle, and forces runners to land heel-first, which causes more impact than a natural mid-foot strike.

The shoes themselves might lead runners to develop habits like rolling and pronation (how the body distributes weight as it cycles through the gait). Many studies have documented that runners wearing cheap, flimsy shoes experience far fewer injuries than those wearing expensive support shoes. In countries like Kenya and Ethiopia, where runners regularly run barefoot, running-related injuries are very few. A 2007 article in the podiatric journal The Foot also reported that in a study of three separate population groups—Zulu, Sotho, and Europeans—the often-barefoot Zulu had the healthiest feet. The Europeans’ feet were the least healthy.

Free Your Phalanges

Humans have evolved to run barefoot, but feet haven’t quite evolved to run on today’s hard and unforgiving road surfaces. So the dilemma is to run barefoot and reap the joint-protecting benefits, or wear running shoes and protect the soles of the feet from injury. The solution for many is a hybrid barefoot shoe, constructed especially to recreate the experience of running barefoot while protecting the soles of the feet from pavement, gravel, glass, and other hazards. While major shoe companies, including Nike, are developing lightweight low-support running shoes, the Vibram FiveFingers are the gold standard among runners. To encourage the digits to spread out and grip the ground the way we do when we’re barefoot, they provide a rubber sole and individual pockets for toes. They encourage a completely natural motion and the most efficient, low-impact stride. They don’t provide shock absorption, but they protect the soles of the feet and allow the most authentic barefoot running experience, whether on trails, pavement, or treadmills. They’re waterproof and suitable for yoga, surfing, hiking, or climbing.

Despite the benefits, some people should not run barefoot, including those with severe foot problems, whose natural gait may already be compromised. Flat feet, fallen arches, or other foot problems can cause pain if a sufferer tries to run barefoot. Diabetics, also, are cautioned not to begin a barefoot running regimen. Peripheral neuropathy is a common complication from diabetes, and this loss of sensation in the feet can leave diabetics susceptible to injuries.

For runners who want to try going barefoot (or want to graduate to a barefoot-simulating shoe), experts recommend starting slowly. Barefoot running utilizes different muscles, and jumping in too quickly can result in injured calves and Achilles tendons. Warburton recommends thirty minutes of daily barefoot activity to begin engaging the muscles and ligaments needed for running, as well as some ankle and foot-strengthening exercises like walking on the balls of the feet. For those who want to run truly barefoot, a few weeks should be enough for the sk

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