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咖啡因能提高运动成绩?Can Caffeine Improve Sports Performance?

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-9-11 【我来说两句

common are insomnia, nausea, anxiety, dependence, gastrointestinal problems (especially heartburn), and muscle cramps. Many athletes avoid caffeine because its diuretic properties increase the risk of dehydration unless fluids and electrolytes are replaced. Those with diabetes must also be careful about caffeine usage, because the substance raises blood sugar.

You should speak to your doctor about your caffeine usage because of its potential impacts on a variety of medical conditions and interactions with prescription drugs. As with any new supplement or exercise regimen, he or she can advise you on what is safe for your body.

Liquid Lightning

If you decide that you do want to begin a caffeine regimen to jack up your competitive edge, it’s incredibly important to get the amounts and timing just right. Caffeine effects vary greatly depending on the intensity and duration of your activity and the amount, frequency, and timing of ingestion.

For optimal effects:

    * Energy sports drinks with caffeine can help replace the vitamins and electrolytes you may lose during intense exercise, so they may be a good option. Remember to drink twelve to sixteen ounces of fluid for every thirty minutes of exercise. Just a 3 percent loss of body fluids can reduce strength by 12 percent.
    * Avoid excessive amounts. Most experts recommend three to six milligrams per one kilogram of body weight to balance positive and negative effects of the drug. To give you an idea, 250–500 mg is about two to three cups of coffee.
    * Consume no more than one hour prior activity, and continue use during competitions that last longer than an hour.
    * Habitual users should abstain from all caffeine usage for seven days prior to competition, although they should also incorporate it into their training regimens.

Caffeine can be a great sports-enhancing substance. As with any other drug, however, its use needs to be carefully monitored. But if you follow your body’s cues when it comes to consumption, it just might help you take that leap to the next level.

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