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饮食方式Eat Your Way to a Better World

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-10-13 【我来说两句

Did you know that 73 percent of the fruits and vegetables checked by the FDA tested positive for pesticide residues, to be fair, some are worse then others.

Maybe it’s the half-Greek in me, but there’s nothing that makes me giddier then the sight of a table full of food (well, other than actually eating the food). Trouble is most of what we stack onto our plates isn’t just weighing on our hips, hearts, and cells, it’s also bloating the planet with packaging, pesticides, and climate-changing gases. How can you get your fill without, tipping the ecological scales? Just follow Ecoholic’s five earth- and body-friendly tips.

1. Eat Close to Home
And by that I don’t mean ordering takeout from your local pizza joint! Search for produce grown in your own county or state. If you can’t find homegrown garlic, greens, grapes at the grocery store, don’t be shy, ask the produce manager for more local options and trove farmers’ markets for freshly picked goodies. Not only does buying locally translate into fewer dirty fossil fuels trucking or shipping that food to you, it also means you’re helping to preserve nearby farmlands and valuable green spaces. Plus, betchya didn’t know that the vitamin content of a just-picked tomato is higher than in one plucked before it was ripe then carted 2500 miles. It tastes a hell of a lot better, too. To track down the greenest local food sources near you, punch in your zip code at localharvest.org.

2. Try Tofu Tuesdays
Eating fewer meaty meals isn’t just good for your cholesterol count, your waistline, and your pocketbook—it’s also one of the top moves you can make for the planet. Gassy livestock literally burp and, um, expe


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