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作者:stephen    文章来源:沪江英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-1-28 【我来说两句

1. That woman just checked you out.

Yes, this helps his self-confidence. But it also tells him that you just saw another woman looking at him and you're not afraid to tell him. It shows that you're confident enough to know that he won't be lured away by another gal.


2. I love it when you [insert action].

This is one that can benefit you as much as him. If you don't tell him what you like, he's just flying blind. In fact, if you haven't complimented him he might even think you don't like what he's doing. And of course, the more you tell him you love it when he scratches your lower back, the more he'll do it.


3. I love your [insert body part]

We're not gonna lie, one of the best fill-in-the-blanks here is, "I love your you-know-what" (or whatever word you can say without laughing or blushing too much.) Men want to know that you're attracted to what they have.


4. You're right.

We all like to be right, men included. And you know what? When he is right, it's nice to tell him, especially if you were arguing. Sure, it might make you feel a little

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