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Information Please询问处

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-4-1 【我来说两句

"Isn't your mother home?" came the question.
"Nobody's home but me," I wept.
"Are you bleeding?"
"No," I replied. "I hit it with the hammer and it hurts."
"Can you open your icebox?" I said I could.
"Then chip off a little piece of ice and hold it on your finger. That will stop the hurt. Be careful when you use the
  ice pick," she admonished."And don't cry. You'll be all right."
After that, I called Information Please for everything.
I asked her for help with my geography and my arithmetic, and she told me that my pet chipmunk -- I had caught in the
  park just the day before -- would eat fruit and nuts.
我请她帮忙做地理和算术,而且她告诉我说我那只心爱的金花鼠 -- 就是前一天我在公园里抓到的 -- 要吃水果和坚果。
And there was a time that our pet canary died. I called Information Please and told her the sad story.
She listened, then said the usual things grown-ups say to comfort a child.
But I was not consoled: why was it that birds should sing so beautifully and bring joy to whole families, only to end
  up as a heap of feathers, feet up, on the bottom of a cage?
She must have sensed my deep concern, for she said quietly, "Paul, always remember that there are other worlds to sing
Somehow I felt better.
Another day I was at the telephone. "Information," said the now familiar voice.
"How do you spell fix?" I asked.
"Fix something? F-i-x."
At that instant my sister, who took unholy joy in scaring me, jumped off the stairs at me with a shriek.Yaaaaaaaaaa!
在那一片刻,我的姊姊以吓我而得到不可理喻的快乐,尖叫一声「呀 --!」由楼梯冲着我跳过来。


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