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How to Give proper Compliments ?

作者:stephen    文章来源:lifeoptimizer    点击数:    更新时间:2010-4-30 【我来说两句


3. Be Patient

Giving the perfect compliment is also about waiting for the perfect moment. One thing you should avoid is trying to manufacture that moment — that’s inherently selfish and makes the giving more about you than the recipient. Flattery and puffery are impatient and have the giver’s best interests at heart. At the same time, waiting too long can mean the compliment loses its timeliness. Strive to strike a balance, focusing on the needs and timing of the recipient.

4. Be Succinct

It’s easy to start rambling when you say something nice about someone. Don’t linger around looking for a “thank you” or feel the need to repeat yourself or venture beyond the confines of the compliment. This is especially true if you’re moved to compliment a stranger. Breeze in, offer your heartfelt words and jump right back into life ongoing.

5. Be Yourself

You don’t need to assume some new persona to start dishing out compliments to co-workers and folks off the street. Possessing a degree of self-confidence is key to delivering meaningful compliments. Learning how to give these types of compliments will also make you a better — and more appreciative ­— recipient when the time comes to receive them.

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