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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-5-4 【我来说两句


You have so much to offer. And when you leave the summit tomorrow, I hope you will return to your communities with a renewed sense of purpose that you will mentor the next generation of entrepreneurs and will advocate for changes in your societies that will allow your neighbors to realize their full potential.


Because promoting entrepreneurship is, in fact, very much about promoting our common humanity.


Every time a person's potential is deferred or squandered, whether here or abroad, it is a tragedy.


In this world, people are largely defined by their calling, by their profession. This is fundamental to the human condition – seeking a purpose, seeking meaning through work or service. When people cannot find work, when they cannot apply themselves to better their own lives or the lives of their families and community, they ache for meaning.


That ache is powerful… It is compelling. And in some way, your presence here is a response to that ache, to the knowledge that ambition can transform lives and transform societies, but only if it is met with opportunity.


I hope this summit can help soothe that ache in all our societies, and that our countries can find common ground in providing our people purpose and opportunities for a better life. Thank you.


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