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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-5-6 【我来说两句

身边有不少准妈妈或者新妈妈都说有了宝宝以后反应变迟钝了,记忆力也有所减退。真是这样吗?做了妈妈的人真的会变成那种脑子里只会装着那个需要定时定量喂奶的小宝贝,别的一概不理会的milk brain吗?

  Milk brain can refer to feelings of disorientation and mental sluggishness reported by some mothers of newborn babies or total involvement in the care of a newborn baby, to the exclusion of almost everything else。


  It's a casual, common slur. Even women use it to describe how disorganized they feel in the first frantic days after giving birth. Yet milk brain is just a temporary effect, brought on by sleep deprivation, plus the need to learn (or relearn) the details of child care。



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