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Facebook Ruins Your Relationship

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-5-7 【我来说两句

#5 Your Ex's Invade

Your personal history is scrawled across this public forum. She can scroll through a blog roll of your recent years and see who you date, how it went, what she looked like and the romantic love notes posted. As with the photo untagging, trying to be savvy about deleting these little blips when you're starting to see someone new and curious. They have the delete option above comments for this reason in particular. USE IT.

#6 Her Ex's Invade

You think you want to know about her ex's, but you don't. You never do. Unfortunately, now, you don't have much of a choice. They're there. They're posting on her profile, on her profile picture, telling her "Hey sexy, you still got it." This makes you livid. Chill your stuff, dudes. It doesn't mean anything. In fact, try to spin it positively by using it to your advantage. Be different from the dudes she ditched and use their internet trails as an example of what NOT to do.

#7 General Jealousy

Internet groupies are a huge problem for both sexes, no debate here. If you happen to have a lot of them, try never to respond to their advances in any way that she could misinterpret as interest (because she will). If she happens to have a lot of them, be grateful that the girl you currently get to lay is extremely attractive and wanted and only working her moves on you. If you have a strange feeling that you're NOT the only one she's working her moves on AND she has a plethora of facebook admirers, take it as a warning sign. What your thinking (fearing?) is probably right…

#8 Poking

Poking is the virtual, (I hesitate to say) "adult" manner of pinching someone playfully in elementary school. It means "I think you're cute, but I'm a coward." Unless you're already dating a girl, and you know she's the type that would get a kick out of something like this, don't do it. It's too controversially corny to be a good move and can potentially very quickly kill your game.

#9 Time Stealer

Spending too much time on your iPhone checking out the latest upload? STEP AWAY FROM THE ELECTRONIC APPLIANCE. Nothing can kill a physical relationship faster than an infatuation with cyberspace, particularly if it's for Facebook - a service that advertises interactive communities - because she will infer that your internet community is more important that your interaction with her. Moreover, to constantly post and upload, will only make you look all too available and uninteresting. Get a hobby, dude! It's healthy for you and way hotter than being able to type as fast as a 1950's secretary without a diploma.

#10 Becoming A Fan Of The Wrong Page

What groups you join, what pages you favorite, what you virtually promote - all of this goes into the boiler of her brain when summing you up. So, be sure to be choosy about what invitations and page suggestions you accept (i.e. pages with nicknames and/or connotations concerning raunchy sex, getting wasted, geeky group games, etc). Otherwise, what you thought of as a simple click to support a friend, may simply stop your sex life.


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