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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-5-7 【我来说两句

Hey, it’s Ben, from The Modern Man. One of the cool techniques I talk about at the Dating Power seminar is the Caller Guessing Technique. This is a very interesting and unique technique that you can use when you make that first phone call to a girl to really avoid that awkward moment, that awkward tension that usually happens when you make that first call. So, check it out.


  This is very important. This is like a critical point from, you’ve done all that greatwork, you’ve been out interacting, you’ve got her phone number, now it’s like ‘Right, I’ve, I’ve,OK, I’ve got to move forward with this, I’ve gotta take some steps. I need to set up a date to really get to that point where I can establish some sort of dating relationship’ ,whatever it is that you’re looking for.

  首次通话非常重要。你能做的都做了,你们已经面对面交流过了,你已经拿到了她的电话号码,相对于这些而言,首次通话就像一个临界点。现在,你在寻思,“好了,我已经……已经……好吧,我得再进一步,我得采取点行动才行。我需要先约她出来一次,才能真正达到建立某种关系的地步”—— 不管你期望是什么关系,你都得先约到她。

  Why is calling important? Again,it demonstrates confidence; it’s the critical point of moving your interaction forward. So you just need to do it. There’s no two ways about it, just…you need to make that call. Now, there are some guidelines that we’re gonna give you to make that call a lot easier,and these are very effective things that you should follow before and during that first call. The reason why so many guys struggle with the first call, is simply because they don’t know what to do, they don’t know what to say, they don’t know what the structure should be on the phone.


  So, how do you do it? Prepare for the call. The Caller Guessing Technique. Now, the way this technique works is that you’re simply letting her guess it’s you,while using callback humor and topics. When she answers the phone, you’re not going ‘Hey, this is Ben, we met at…’ You’re not even identifying it’s you. You might say something cheeky or something interesting or flirting on the phone that is specific to you and her andthe interaction that you guys had when you met. Now you’re starting to see why it’s so important to be present, to use the techniques, to flirt, to spark attraction, to connect.You find out things about the girl,she finds out things about you,you’ve got this dynamic going back and forward, and now you’ve got useful things that you can talk about when you make the first call, when you’re out on that first date. There shouldn’t have to be any of those awkward silences,there should be always things to talk about. And when you get very,very good at this, you’ll actually get women saying to you, ‘I feel Icould say anything to you. You just,I just feel so comfortable.’ And that will happen, as you become really,really good.



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