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作者:stephen    文章来源:环球时报    点击数:    更新时间:2010-6-2 【我来说两句

According to the Christian Science Monitor, the UN Atlas of Endangered Languages lists 18 languages with only one remaining speaker. With about one language disappearing every two weeks, some of these have probably already died off.



1. Apiaka, is spoken by the indigenous people of the same name who live in the northern state of Mato Grosso, in Brazil. The critically endangered language belongs to the Tupi language family. As of 2007, there was only one remaining speaker.

1. 阿皮亚卡语(Apiaka)是巴西北部马托格罗索州土著居民阿皮亚卡人说的语言。这种严重濒危的语言属于图皮语系,截至2007年只剩下一个使用者。


2. Bikya, is spoken in the North-West Region of Cameroon, in western Africa. The last record of a speaker was in 1986, meaning the language could be extinct by now. This predicament resembles that of another Cameroonian language, Bishuo, whose last recorded speaker was also in 1986.

2. 比基亚语(Bikya)是西非喀麦隆西北地区的一种语言。关于有人说这种语言的最后记录是在1986年,这意味着该语言现在可能已经灭绝了。其处境与喀麦隆的另一种语言比舒奥语(Bishuo)类似,后者被人使用的最后记录也是在1986年。


3. Chana, is spoken in Parana, the capital of Argentina's province of Entre Rios. As of 2008, it had only one speaker.

3. 查纳语(Chana)是阿根廷恩特雷里奥斯省首府巴拉那居民说的语言,至2008年时仅有一个使用者。


4. Dampal is spoken in Indonesia, near Bangkir. Unesco reported that it had one speaker as of 2000.

4. 丹帕尔语(Dampal)是印尼邦基尔附近的居民使用的语言。联合国教科文组织报告称,2000年时只有一个人说这种语言。


5. Diahoi (also known as Jiahui, Jahoi, Djahui, Diahkoi, and Diarroi) is spoken in Brazil. Those who speak it live on indigenous lands like Diahui, Middle Madeira river, Southern Amazonas State, Municipality of Humaita. As of 2006, one speaker was left.

5. 迪亚霍伊语(Diahoi)是巴西的一种语言,使用者居住在南亚马孙州乌迈塔市中马德拉河旁的迪亚霍伊原住民区,2006年时只剩下一个人还说这种语言。


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