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作者:stephen    文章来源:北外网院    点击数:    更新时间:2010-7-20 【我来说两句

将于7.22登陆大银幕的《唐山大地震》是冯小刚第一部用Imax制式拍摄的影片。不过,这并非意味着该片是一部3D(立体)电影。在接受采访时,冯小刚特意声明:“《唐山大地震》是 Imax,也就是巨幕电影,但它不是3D(立体)电影,我看最近有媒体把他列入3D电影了,在这里说明一下。”


The technology is suddenly everywhere--heralded as the future of television and transforming cinema-goers' experience. Meanwhile James Cameron's Avatar is proving the most successful 3D movie ever made, with takings that have topped over $1bn, and Pixar's Up took $680m globally. In 2010 around 20 out of 170 movies will be made in 3D, double the number from last year.BSkyB plans to launch a 3D channel later this year.

3D technology has been around for almost as long as cinema. In 1922, The Power of Love was the first feature film to be screened in 3D at the Ambassador Hotel Theatre in Los Angeles. The effect was achieved by projecting two films strips--one using reds, one using greens--on top of one another. Viewers watched the film using glasses with different-coloured filters in their lenses. The golden age of 3D was in the early 1950s, and began with 1951's Bwana Devil, an action-thriller set in Africa. Two prints were projected through polarising filters at the cinema screen, before being separated by glasses with differently-polarised lenses. The trend declined due to its expense. As well as duplicate prints, it required two projectionists.

3D技术问世时间几乎和电影一样长。 1992年,《爱的力量》是首部以3D形式在洛杉矶的大使饭店剧院放映的故事片。其立体效果是通过放映一红一绿相互叠加的两条胶片实现的。观众在看电影时要佩戴有分色滤光片的眼镜。1951年上映的以非洲为故事背景的动作惊悚片《非洲历险记》开启了上世纪50年代初3D电影的黄金时代。这部电影在放映时使用两个拷贝通过偏振光滤光镜投射到银幕上,然后通过镜片偏振方向不同的偏光眼镜将两个图像分开。这股潮流后因费用问题而衰落下去。因为它不仅需要成对的拷贝,而且还需要两个放映员。

It was only a matter of time before the technology reached TV. In 2008 Samsung launched a £700 3D TV which requires glasses; specialist TV manufacturers like Alioscopy and Magnetic also already make glasses-free 3D screens.

So what's different now?

Digital technology. Instead of using film, digital cinemas project images from a computer's hard drive. Special adapters are fitted to conventional digital projectors that rotate the light several times per second, mimicking the effect of two projectors.

A spate of films have ridden the 3D wave over the last year--among them Ice Age 3D and Journey to the Centre of the Earth 3D--re-igniting interest in cinema during a difficult economic climate. At CES, Panasonic unveiled a 152-inch plasma screen that produced a better image than many cinemas.

DreamWorks Animation chief executive Jeffrey Katzenberg has described 3D as "the greatest innovation in film since colour" while Intel CEO Paul Otellini told crowds at CES that, "I think that 3D... is the next thing that's poised to explode in the home." Cupit, who is helping to develop the technology to be used to broadcast the Six Nations, says: "3D creates a richer, more engaging experience than a D flat image. I think it will become the new standard. As the technology sorts itself out it will become more prevalent."

Ironically Cameron, who has necessarily been one of 3D's most ardent standard bearers, recently merely issued a guarded approval of 3D TV technology. "As 3D starts to come into the living room, and come in at higher frame rates, then we're gonna have to up our game again. Cause movies can't look worse than what you're getting at home," he told Variety magazine.

The British film critic Mark Kermode is also outspoken in disliking 3D, saying that "all the things that were impressive about Avatar had nothing to do with 3D...unless you're making a movie about sky-diving spear-chuckers there's a limited use of 3D." Kermode says that the 30 per cent colour loss involved with wearing 3D glasses during the film was not worth the 3D effect. "Avatar shows us exactly what stereoscopic cinema is capable of. And the answer is nothing."
英国影评人马克·克莫德也毫不讳言对3D电影的反感。他认为“《阿凡达》中所有那些令人印象深刻的东西都与3D无关……除非你是在拍一部有特技跳伞时互投梭镖镜头的电影,否则3D的用途是很有限的。”克莫德说,看这部电影过程中因戴 3D眼镜造成的30%的色彩流失让3D效果得不偿失。“《阿凡达》向我们完完全全地展示了立体电影能做什么。答案是什么都做不了。”

So where does 3D technology go from here?

BSkyB has not confirmed an exact launch date for its 3D channel but says it plans to first launch its 3D service in pubs before marketing it to domestic users. Long-term developments are less clear. "It will probably be the technology that doesn't require glasses coming through," concludes Cupit. "It's the latest in a long line of incremental steps. First it was black and white, then colour, then HD. Eventually we'll have holographic images bursting out of your TV. But not so radical that you think it's science fiction."


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