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The Pirate Code海盗密码-奇幻之旅

作者:stephen    文章来源:常春藤英语    点击数:    更新时间:2010-8-23 【我来说两句

For years, Barry Clifford has been trying to solve a 300-year-old riddle. It isn't an ordinary riddle, though. It is a clue to the location of the pirate Black Sam Bellamy's treasure. Piracy came alive in the 1720s and incredibly, 2,000 to 3,000 pirates sailed just in the Caribbean. Now, all that is left of their attacks are stories, sunken ships, and hopefully, treasure. This month, National Geographic Channel's The Pirate Code takes viewers on a pirate adventure like never before.

It is said that Black Sam's ship, the Whydah, held about four and a half tons of silver and gold. Since he was one of the most famous pirates ever, such a large amount of treasure is not surprising. Originally, the Whydah was a fast slave ship that transported captured slaves from Africa to the Americas. During one of the Whydah's trips, Black Sam chased and seized her. But soon after, a terrible storm hit the ship. As a result, the Whydah sank near the northeast coast of the US. Barry Clifford is now on a quest to find the Whydah's final resting place. Only NGC's The Pirate Code shows viewers the secrets Clifford reveals.

多年来,贝瑞‧克里佛一直试图解开一个有三百年历史的谜语。然而它却不是个普通的谜语。它是可以解开海盗黑山姆‧贝拉密的宝藏所在的线索。海盗活动在 1720年代活跃了起来,令人难以置信的是,光是在加勒比海中航行的海盗就有两到三千名。如今,他们的烧杀掳掠所遗留下来的就只剩故事、沉船,但愿还有宝藏。本月份,国家地理频道的《海盗密码》带领观众展开一段前所未有的海盗冒险之旅。



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