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The Spirit of Spain 热情洋溢西班牙

作者:stephen    文章来源:常春藤英语    点击数:    更新时间:2010-8-31 【我来说两句

Spain looks pretty small on a world map, but this country has produced an extraordinary culture.


by Luke Dodds and Matthew Brown

All over the world, people have no problem recognizing the music, art, dance, or food that comes from Spain. Spanish culture is unmistakable.

When a person thinks of Spain, the first thing that comes to mind might be flamenco dancing. Passionate and lively, usually performed to the accompaniment of fast guitars, flamenco dancing originated in southern Spain, and it has strong gypsy roots. Bullfighting is another of Spain's most famous attractions, and it is not just for tourists; bullfighting is enormously popular with the Spanish themselves. Thrilling and artistic, a bullfight is a match between a toreador, or bullfighter, and a bull. Bullfighting is one of Spain's long-standing traditions that might seem quite different from the ways of the modern world.
Spain is known as a country of romance, and for good reason. The history of Spain had its starting point not in a war over territory or the discovery of a new continent, but in a marriage. In 1469, Queen Isabella of the Kingdom of Castile married King Ferdinand of the Kingdom of Aragon, joining two of the most powerful Christian kingdoms in what is known as the unification of Spain. This unification began the period of Spanish history that saw three centuries of global exploration, trade, and conquest, carrying the Spanish language and culture all over the world.
No longer one of the world's strongest empires, Spain's political power has declined over the years, but its culture is as inspiring and well known now as ever. The spirit of Spain continues to inspire the world.

西班牙被公认是个浪漫的国度,这不是没有道理的。这个国家的历史肇始于一场婚礼,而不是因为争夺领土的战争或发现新大陆。1469 年,卡斯提尔王国的伊莎贝拉女王与阿拉贡王国的费迪南德国王成亲,这两个强大基督教王国的联姻被视为是西班牙的统一,开启了该国长达三世纪到世界各地探险、贸易和占领土地的历史序幕,连带使西班牙的语言和文化散布到全世界。


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