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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2011-1-4 【我来说两句

Condoleeza Rice

  The first black woman to serve as Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice made headlines in 2005 for sporting a long, black military-inspired jacket and black knee boots, a combination that The Washington Post described as “speaking of sex and power。” She is usually pictured wearing stud earrings and red lipstick, but with few other reminders of her femininity。


  康多莉扎·赖斯是第一位黑人女国务卿,她在2005 年因穿了一件军装风格的黑色长外套和黑色齐膝长筒靴而成为报纸头条,《华盛顿邮报》的一篇文章说赖斯的这身搭配展示了“性感和权力的结合”。赖斯通常戴着耳钉、涂着红色口红,不过其他方面就少有女人味。

  Rice’s look conveys authority, intelligence, and a readiness

  to kick some serious butt. When she wore those famous boots, it was like she issued a warning: Don’t mess with me (or my country)。

  Signature Piece: Dark suits and black knee boots。

  How You Can Wear It: Unless you’re meeting with foreign dictators, head-to-toe black might be hard to pull off. Incorporate elements of Rice’s kick-butt style but add color and texture to break it up。

  赖斯的形象传达出的是权力、智慧以及随时准备迎接挑战。她穿那些名牌靴子时,似乎是在发出警告:不要惹我( 或我的国家)。



  sport v. <口>夸示,炫耀。

  forgoe v. 放弃,抛弃。

  poised a. 沉着的,镇定的。

  Jackie Kennedy: 即Jacqueline Kennedy(杰奎琳·肯尼迪),约翰·肯尼迪的夫人。

  no-nonsense a. 正经的,严肃的。

  updo n. 高髻(头发向上梳)。

  crib v. 抄袭。

  readiness n. 愿意。

  kick butt: 字面意思是“踢屁股”,可引申为“打败,完胜”的意思。这个词组在口语中还有“很棒、很出色”的意思。


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