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Choose Between Yesterday or Tomorrow

作者:stephen    文章来源:ezinearticles    点击数:    更新时间:2011-7-7 【我来说两句

Some of us live in the past. Everything we do is tied to our past. We think, act and speak in relation to our past. We rely on our past for our identity and for our direction in life. We blame our past for haunting us and for making us feel less than we are. We blame those who were in our lives for everything that we didn't like and for the way we are living today. It's easy to blame the past because the past cannot be changed. It's easy to blame others because we don't have to blame ourselves or be accountable for decisions that we make. It's easier to blame others instead of ourselves. Being a victim of our past takes no effort on our part. It's easiest to sit back and not take any action for our life.

Sometimes we just can't seem to get past our childhood experiences. We focus on the negative feelings and emotions that we've experienced and we get stuck there. What makes us think that it's alright to let our past control our lives? We throw up our arms and give up instead of learning from our experiences. It seems that the child within us does not want to grow up. The child within us loves to throw tantrums. It screams for attention and wants others to take care of us for the rest of our lives. We have a feeling of entitlement that the world needs to revolve around us.There's no such thing as a compromise. We feel like it's our way or the highway. We didn't have certain things in our young lives so we rant and rave about the lack of this or that. We may feel that we weren't loved enough, we didn't have enough attention or our siblings got everything and we were left out. The list goes on and on.

When are we going to take responsibility for our own selves? Some people never do but others will get off the merry-go-round and take a stand in being responsible for their own lives. The level of maturity accompanies this stance. Being mature means that we realize that our life does matter and it is up to us to move forward and learn from the past as a preparation for our present and future life. We are in control of our lives. We can choose to stay in our yesterdays or we can choose to live for our tomorrows. We can bring happiness, love and peace into our lives and improve our experiences. The choice is up to us.

Emotional maturity is not tied to age. It's tied to our ability to make choices and decisions with a clarity of purpose and mind. When we take responsibility for ourselves then we won't have anyone else to blame for our lives. We appreciate the gift of life and we won't take our life for granted. We live our best life by choosing to be focused with our intentions, purpose and positive fulfillment towards and for a happy, prosperous, loving and joyous life. We look forward to enjoying what each day brings, looking forward to the experiences that make our lives richer and fuller. Every day is a blessing!


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