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作者:stephen    文章来源:沪江英语    点击数:    更新时间:2011-12-8 【我来说两句

Having captivated moviegoers around the world with the last installment of the Harry Potter series, Daniel Radcliffe earned the number one spot on our list of the most talented performers who entertained us this year. Rounding out the honor roll? Seventeen more people and groups, from Adele to Hugh Jackman to the cast of Bridesmaids.
凭借《哈利·波特》系列最后一部迷倒全球无数影迷的丹尼尔·雷德克里夫成为了《娱乐周刊》年度最有才华的表演者榜单第一名。公布榜单结果?还有17位个人或团体入选,有Adele 、休·杰克曼还有《伴娘》的所有演员……

But we’re not alone in celebrating these talented people. This year, we asked famous folks to offer their own tributes, such as Sandra Bullock (our 2009 Entertainer of the Year), who extols the South Park pranksters Matt Stone and Trey Parker.

Julia Roberts reveals how her infatuation with Adele started (she got 21 from a hairdresser friend). Meryl Streep sings the praises of Viola Davis, and Amy Poehler (yes, that Amy Poehler) confesses her love for the work of Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin. “[He] is such a great writer that it makes people angry,” writes the star.

For more on the Entertainers of the Year, please keep a watchful eye on the new copy of Entertainment Weekly, on stands December 9th.


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