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吸血鬼日记最新一集The New Deal剧情

作者:stephen    文章来源:沪江英语    点击数:    更新时间:2011-12-16 【我来说两句

The Vampire Diaries epic return, “The New Deal”, will start with Tyler and Caroline trying to overcome some major issues.

吸血鬼日记新一集“The New Deal”的回归将从泰勒和凯瑟琳解决彼此之间的矛盾开始。

“Tyler and Caroline have a lot to overcome,” Julie says. “Because Tyler, on his own, has a lot to overcome. It’s pretty bleak, right now, and it’s only going to start to get bleaker before it gets better. I loved what Tyler said to Caroline at the end of the last episode, which was ‘I can’t hate this, because it’s better. Because I don’t have to go through that pain. Because in a way, I feel free, so fight for me, and fight for us,’” Julie reminds us. “She doesn’t know if she can, so when we come back, he’s not happy with her. He’s not happy with anything. He’s got Klaus whispering in his ear saying ‘I need you to do this for me. You need to ‘serve your master,’” Julie explains. “Tyler is in a very, very bad situation that almost has catastrophic consequences.”
“泰勒和凯瑟琳有很多矛盾需要解决,”朱莉说,“因为单就泰勒来说,就有很多问题要解决。现在形势很不容乐观,而且情况会越来越糟。我很喜欢上一集结尾的时候泰勒对凯瑟琳说的话,就是‘我没法去恨,因为这样反而更好。因为我不需要忍受那些痛苦。因为从某种程度上来说,我感到自由了,所以为了我,也为了我们努力吧’。” 朱莉提醒我们:“凯瑟琳不知道她是否能够做到,所以当我们回来的时候,泰勒跟她在一起并不愉快,事实上泰勒对任何事都不满。他耳朵里总是回想着克劳斯的声音‘我需要你为我这样做,你要对你的主人忠诚’,”朱莉解释说,“泰勒的情况很糟,几乎完全将他摧毁。”


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