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作者:stephen    文章来源:hjenglish    点击数:    更新时间:2010-2-28 【我来说两句

答:貌似Ryan Murphy给自己留足了后路。“这部剧里头我们想要保持现实感,但是咧,其实这又是一个虚拟的幻想中的学校。所以我也不知道啦。现在还在想要通过第一季的考验,每年都能有新声音新面孔的出现才是王道吧?”

Question: I followed you here from TV Guide and was hoping my loyalty would win me a favor. Please promote and sign the Save Better Off Ted petition. —Rachel
Ausiello: Done and done.


Question: I am red hot mad with ABC over the offing of Ugly Betty! They are ending one of the best shows on television! What are the chances that it can be moved to another network? —Melissa
Ausiello: The chances are about zero to none. As far as I know, there’s no effort underway to find Betty a new home. On the bright side, I have some scoop for you: Aaron Tveit (a.k.a. Nate’s cuz and Serena’s ex from Gossip Girl) has been cast as a
playwright who Betty goes on a date with in a late March episode. According to my Ugly insider, “The relationship starts great and ends horribly.” Not unlike every single episode of Saturday Night Live.


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