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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-4-20 【我来说两句


be at war(正在交战):The two countries are at war now.两国正在交战。

(相当于:The two countries are waging a war now.)

be at work(正在工作):Jim is at work on his car now.吉姆正在修自己的车。

(相当于:Jim is repairing his car now.)

be at peace(处于和平或平静状态):

Thus Europe was at peace for the first time in ten years.


be at table(正在吃饭):When I arrived my friends were already at table.


常见的这类结构还有:be at meeting正在开会;be at school正在上学;be at breakfast(lunch /supper)正在吃早(午/晚)饭;be at church正在做礼拜,等等。


be in progress(正在进展):The building of the bridge is in progress.

这座桥梁正在施工中。(相当于:The bridge is being built now.)

be in trade(正在做买卖):Some people of this country are in gold and ivory trade.


be in fashion(流行): Long hair is very much in fashion now.如今,留长发正时兴。

be in trouble(处于困境/困难之中):I am in great trouble.My little boy has fallen off a ladder and hurt himself.我遇上点麻烦,我的小儿子从梯子上掉下来,并且摔伤了。

常见的这类结构还有:be in danger处在危险中;be in operation正在运行; be in action在活动(运转/战斗)中;be in peril在危险之中;be in class正在上课;be in hospital正在住院;be in office在执政;be in tears正在流泪;be in milk正在产奶;be in issue正在争论之中;be in church正在做礼拜;等等。


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