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作者:stephen    文章来源:互联网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-6-11 【我来说两句


2.  Palmistry.
Janice:  So do you believe in palmistry3?
Margaret:  Palmistry?  What is that?
Janice:  It's when someone takes a look at another person's palm4 to tell the future.
Margaret:  Oh, you mean palm reading5.  I've seen that before, but I don't believe in it.
Janice:  Are you sure?  I've read a lot about palmistry and I've been able to tell a lot of accurate things about a person from his palm.  Do you want me to take a look at your hand?
Margaret:  Really?  You've read books about it?  Ok, then.  But only if you want to.
Janice:  Ok, let's see, well, you've got a long life line, which is good, and the love line is strong ……
Margaret:  What else do you see?  Will I be successful?  Will I make a lot of money?
Janice:  Hmm, hard to say, wait, yes, it looks like you will do well in business, and your ambition will help you a lot, but ……
Margaret:  What?  What is it?  What's the matter?
Janice:  You seem to have a large gullibility 6 line.  You believe everything that you're told.
Margaret:  Hey!

Helpful Information:
The most accurate statement about palm reading is that people believe what they want to believe. 


3.  Thirteen people on Friday.
David:  Ok, so who are we going to invite to our dinner party?
Sue:  Well, we have the Thompsons, the Greens, and the Andersons, about twelve people total.
David:  Don't forget my friend Andy from the office.  He has nothing to do on Friday, so I invited him over.
Sue:  But that makes thirteen people!  We can't have thirteen people for dinner on Friday!
David:  Why can't we?
Sue:  It's an old superstition7.  If we have thirteen people at the table, then it means bad luck.  Can Andy bring a date?
David:  I'm not sure.  He just broke up with his girlfriend recently, and I don't think he's in the mood to start again so soon.
Sue:  But we can't have thirteen for dinner!
David:  I think you're making a mountain out of a molehill8.  It's only a superstition.  It really doesn't mean anything.
Sue:  Absolutely not!  I refuse to have thirteen people for dinner on Friday!
David:  Ok, ok.  I'll ask my sister to come.  That way we'll have fourteen for dinner.
Sue:  That's better.

Helpful Information:
If something bad happens on a particular day, people have a tendency to associate that day with the negative event.  The same goes for Friday the 13th, so if something bad happens on Friday the13th, people blame it on the day.  On Friday the 13th, some people are so superstitious that they go as far as to refuse to leave the house.  As for me, I’ve always had good luck on Friday the 13th.  It’s really all about what you believe the most, so I choose to believe that Friday the 13th is my good luck day.



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