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作者:stephen    文章来源:沪江英语    点击数:    更新时间:2010-6-25 【我来说两句

Eat out of house and home ( 吃光所有食物 )

大家有否听过Eat out of house and home 呢?谁人会有本领把整间屋吃掉?


“ Tom has a very good appetite today. He eats us out of house and home.” ( Tom 今天的胃口真好!他差不多吃掉我们家中所有的食物。)
所以,Eat someone out of house and home,是指胃口极大,能吃光自己或别人家中的食物的意思。

相 关 成 语 --- Dive into
当我们感到十分肚饿时,难免一见到食物便会狼吞虎咽,Dive into 就是狼吞虎咽的意思。例句:” Pork chops and steaks are cooked. Let’s dive in everyone! “ ( 猪扒及牛扒已经煮好了,大家尽情地吃吧!)

翻 译 练 习
请用「Eat out of house and home」把这句 Howard 踢完足球后感到很肚饿,当他回家之后,把家中所有食物都吃尽了。 翻译成英文。

参考答案:Howard was so hungry after playing football. When he reached home he ate him out of house and home.


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