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作者:stephen    文章来源:互联网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-7-29 【我来说两句

8.basket case 毫无能力和希望的情景

I'm really worried--our company is losing so much money these days that if things don't get better in the next two months we'll be a basket case and have to go out of business.


9."give /pay lip service to""只是说说而已,不采取实际行动"

eg: Politicians often pay lip service to many important issues during an election but they don' t fulfill their promises once they are elected.政治家们在大选中对很多大事都只是嘴上工夫而已,一旦当选就不会履行诺言.

Arnold Schwartzenneger gave lip service to immigrant rights before he became governor.Let' s see if he actually does what he said he would. 阿诺德·施瓦辛格在成为州长前曾许诺过在移民的权利方面采取一些措施,现在让我们去实际看一下他是否兑现了他的诺言.

10."run/ run for""竞选,竞争"

eg: In American schools, students can run for positions in the student government.在美国的学校里,学生可以竞选在学生会中的职位.

There are no female candidates running for president this year.今年没有参加竞选总统的女性候选人.

11.down and out 穷困潦倒

John is a big spender and never thinks of saving a penny. So since he lost his job last month, he has been completely down and out.


12."to know better (than to do sth) ""你知道不该去做sth"

eg: A: A stranger man was following me when I was walking home last night.昨晚我回家的时候有个陌生男人一直跟着我.

B: You should know better than to walk alone at night.你该知道别晚上一个人走.

13."run off ""闪人,突然离开sb/sth/某地"

eg: A: Why did you run off in the middle of the movie?你咋在电影演半道就走了呢?

B: I wasn' t feeling well so I went home.我觉得不太舒服就回家了.

14."a chip off the old block ""(性格上)特随父母,和父母象"

eg: My mother and I are very alike. I'm a chip off the old block. 我个我妈特象,简直几是她的翻版.

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