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Give someone a big hand(掌声鼓励)

作者:stephen    文章来源:互联网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-10-4 【我来说两句

A big hand 是一只大手,相信小学生也会懂。聪明的朋友亦应该知道 Give someone a big hand,不会是指「给别人一只大手」吧!
Give someone a big hand 是指以热烈的掌声鼓励某人,如 “ Annie has handled the whole project by herself, let’s give her a big hand ! “ ( 整个计划也是由 Annie 一个人处理的,让我们以热烈掌声鼓励她吧! )
另外,Get a big round of applause 也是解作「获得全场喝采」之意。如表演再精彩的,可加强语气,改为这样说: “ Give someone another round of applause. “; 相反,较为轻松的说法,可用 Applaud someone 代替。

相 关 成 语 --- Give someone a hand
大家留意:Give someone a hand 及 Give someone a big hand 两者是不同意思的。前者就是解作在别人有困难时扶对方一把,即「助人一臂力」;后者就是解作掌声鼓励的意思,是强烈赞赏对方的表现。

翻 译 练 习
请用「Give someone a big hand 」把这句 当校长踏上讲台,众人便已给他热烈的掌声了。 翻译成英文。
When the president of the university came to the stage, everyone gave him a big hand.


Give the thumbs up ( 赞不绝口 )

从成语 Give the thumbs up 来看,大家很形象化的联想到举起姆指的动作。每当我们想赞许别人又或赞成某件事时,便会做这动作。所以 Give the thumbs up 有赞许、满意的意思。
从以下例句中,可见教授对学生的学业表现赞不绝口: “ The professor gave his thumbs up when the reporter asked him about Angel’s academic result. “ 当记者向教授问及 Angel 的学业成绩时,他并没有说任何话,只是举起姆指,但我们已知道教授十分欣赏 Angel 了。
有 Thumbs up,当然有 Thumbs down,解作不同意或不愿意接受某些事情,与 Thumbs up 呈相反意思。

相 关 成 语 --- Speak highly of someone
Speak highly of someone 就是称赞 ( praise ) 或高度评价某人。
如:“ Everyone speaks highly of her appearance. I really want to see her! “ (每一个人都称赞她的外貌,我真想见她一面呢!)

翻 译 练 习
请用「Give the thumbs up」把这句 他看到父亲很满意的样子便笑了,因他知道自己成功! 翻译成英文。
He smiled when his father gave the thumbs up. He knew he was successful.


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