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英语作文:Haste Makes Waste

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2011-12-27 【我来说两句

1. 为什么说“欲速则不达”

  2. 试举例说明

  Haste Makes Waste


  "Haste makes waste" is an English proverb which has equivalent expressions in many languages. It has become a precept whose value is universally accepted.

  This proverb can be verified by many other proverbs"There is no royal road in learning", "Rome was not built in a day". Anyway it means that one should not be overanxious for quick results, otherwise he will fail. If one wants to be a scholar, he should make persistent efforts, burying himself in books. If he wants to take sa shortcut, he will never become a scholar. If one wants to be president of a country, he should first display his remarkable ability in his routine work so that his ability will be recognized and accepted by others. However, if he is impatient for success, he will never realize his goal. If a man courts a woman, he should ry to win her love gradually. He should not expect tto win her heart within a day, otherwise he will never get true love.

  In conclusion, one should follow in order and advance step by step and should not be impatient for success, otherwise he will suffer a setback.


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