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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2012-5-7 【我来说两句

Directions: You are to write more than 120 words about the title “Do we need to keep May Day Holiday and National Day Holiday?”. You are to take a position, either for or against the matter, and give your reasons. You should base your composition on the following Chinese outline.

  近年来,五一,十一黄金周在交通, 社会治安等方面造成的问题日益明显,是否我们还应该继续保留五一, 十一的黄金周? 人们对这一问题的看法不一,各持己见。

  1. 你对这个问题的观点是...

  2. 理由是...

  3. 结论...


  May Day holiday and National Day May Day Holiday have become the golden time for traveling and family reunion since they were established as legal holidays. But in recent years the problems they have brought about (造成)are challenging Chinese people and Chinese government. Chinese people differ on the matter of (在...问题上存在分歧)whether to keep the two Golden Week holiday. (Some people insist on (坚决要求)keeping them as national holidays while others suggest that they be cancelled in consideration of (考虑到, 因为)such problems they have caused as traffic jam(交通拥挤), overloaded(超负荷的) historic sites(历史遗址), rising prices of board and lodging(食宿).) Personally, I will never say No to (拒绝)he long holidays because they have become an important part of Chinese people’s life.

  What benefit Chinese people can enjoy from May Day holiday and National Day holiday justify(证明...是正当的) their existence. Firstly, they are legal paid holidays. Secondly they are long enough for Chinese people to enjoy family reunion and manage(能够做到) travels. Thirdly, they serve to stimulate people’s consumption(消费), thus promoting(促进) the development of Chinese economy.

  It’s true that (的确)long holidays have caused problems with traffic and even made historic sites and summer resorts (避暑胜地)overloaded, but no problems can’t be solved as long as Chinese government take effective measures. So why not welcome and enjoy long holidays?


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