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高级英语口语教程Unit 12 旅游业tourism

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-5-1 【我来说两句

hem when the college students in Bombay, sitting on steps at the gate, waved to us cheerfully across the street.

Yes, I would love to visit India again. I want to see the protected forests and the flowers blooming everywhere and the eharming, elegant women in colourful Saris again, and of course, the India Airlines staff members, too.


And I want to see no beggars along the streets, no slums alongside the beautiful beach in Bombay, no school-age boys serving at the tables in restaurants, to hear no new stories about young wives who are burnt to death because the dowry from their parents failed to satisfy the husbands' families.

And I hope India will see more Chinese visitors in the near future and China see more Indian visitors, too.

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