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高级英语口语教程Unit 9 人口控制Control Population

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-5-1 【我来说两句


Sarah: The reason one would have to limit population is because

you're running out of food and you're running out of

resources. The people in Europe and America consume a far

greater proportion of the world's resources and the world's food than

they do in India. So... um... population is directly related to...

um... consumption and your general impact on the environment.

If as an individual your impact is far greater than anybody

else's, um... then that is the factor that's important, rather

than how many people there are, or how many people can the

world support. Now it's...obviously in that sense, it's possible

to increase population if everybody's willing to um...use less

material or eat less food, but it isn't if everybody's continually

wanting more and more and more, and this is... seems to he the

trend at the moment. . . higher and higher consumption. . . with

at the same time a greatly expanding population.And the problem

in ... um... areas which are poor and which have expanding

populations is that they try and develop and try and...er...

get...er...more material

benefits, but as soon as they do this, the population increase

has.wiped out any benefits that they may have um... achieved.

Matthew: But do you feel that this battle with a...a rapidly expandint

population can be won?

Sarah: The most sensible thing is to realize that you can't go on expanding

human populations for ever and countries and individuals must decide

to have a policy which would limit population.

4. An African Woman Says: "...the Men Never Talk about It."

"To us, children are the most important thing in life. When we marry, it is not above all to get a husband or wife, but to have children. I had my thirteenth birth only a few months ago, and most of my adult life I have had to care for a baby as well as do all my other work in the house and in the fields. For a long time I have wanted no more children, but I keep having them as long as I am with my husband.

A nurse comes to visit our village regularly. She holds meetings for all the men and women together, to explain about family planning. Now these are wellknown facts to us, but still nobody in our village practises birth control. When. we sit together with the nurse, everybody seems to agree that this is the right thing to do when a family had grown big enough to give the parents security in their old age, and there are enough hands to attend to all the daily work. But when we go home, the men never talk about it My husband and I attend every meeting, but in our home we have never talked about birth control. I desperately want to stop having more children, but this can only be done if my husband suggests it."

5. Free Birth Control Techniques Should

Be Available Everywhere

Matthew: Peter, what sections of the population do you think free birth control

techniques should be available to?

Peter: They should be... available to all sections of the community er...

things are getting to such a pitch that I personally think

that...er...not only should birth control methods be available to all

sections of the community, but indeed should be compulsory. There

should be some kind of law which says that a f

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