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初级英语口语教程: What Do the Romans Do?

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-4-14 【我来说两句

Question on Text B

7. Read the following conversation once. Underline the key words and retell to your partner the dialogue in your own words.

Mrs Smith Meets Mrs Turnbull Mrs Smith:   Hello, Mrs Turnbull. How are you?
Mrs Turnbull:   Fine, thanks. How's your boy, Jack?
Mrs Smith:   He's a bit tired. You know, he goes to school at eight o'clock every morning.
   He doesn't get home till after four. then he does his homework after tea. It
   often takes him a couple of hours to finish it.
Mrs Turnbull:   Poor boy. They work hard at school nowadays, don't they? Does he like it?
Mrs Smith:   School, you mean? Yes, he does. He likes his teachers, and that always makes a
Mrs Turnbull:   Yes, it does. Does he go to school by bus?
Mrs Smith:   No, he walks. He likes walking. He meets some of his friends at the corner and 
   they go together.
Mrs Turnbull:   What does he do when it rains?
Mrs Smith:   My husband takes him in the car. He passes the school on the way to the office.

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