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初级英语口语教程:A Pocketful of Pigs

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-4-16 【我来说两句

        Text B

        Let's Play Chess

Mr Wilson and Mr Dawson arc watching some men playing chess.

MR WILSON:   Let's play chess.
MR DAWSON:   I haven't played chess for a long time.
MR WILSON:   That's all right, I'm a beginner. I've just learnt how to play.
MR DAWSON:   Look, there's a chessboard. Those two men have already finished playing.
MR WILSON (after they have played for a few minutes): You're a very good player
MR DAWSON:   Not really, but once I won a prize.
MR WILsoN:   So did I. I won a prize last week but it was a prize for beginners.
MR DAWSON:   My prize was for the hest player in the country. Now let's start playing chess


7. Read the following dialogue once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the dialogue to your partner in your own words.

Man:   I'm not satisfied with it.
Saleswoman:   Why not? What's wrong with it?
Man:   Sometimes it goes fast. And sometimes it goes slow. And the alarm doesn't
   work, either.
Saleswoman:   Would you like another one?
Man:   No. Can I have my money back? Saleswoman; Hmm... have you got a receipt?
Man:   A receipt?
Saleswoman:   Yes. I must see your receipt. You can't have your money back without a
Man   Oh, I'm not certain, but I think I've lost it. 

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