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初级英语口语教程:Stage Fright

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-4-16 【我来说两句


7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner.

    It was a dark day when we got our report cards Thesky was full of gray clouds and it was sprinkling rain. I was over to Clyde's house and Gloria and Kitty were there. Sam probably would hade been there, too, only he had got a two-week job in the afternoons helping out at Freddie's. actually he only did it so that his mother would let him be on the track team again. Sam and his mother had this little system going He would do something
good-doing and she'd let him do something that he wanted to.

    Clyde's report card was on the kitchen table and we all sat around it like it was some kind of a big important document. I had got a pretty good report card and had wanted to show it off but I knew it wasn't the time. Clyde pushed the card toward me and I read it. He had all  satisfactory remarks on the side labeled Personal Traits and Behavior. He had also received B's in . music and art appreciation. But everything else was either a C or a D except mathematics. His mathematics mark was a big red F that had been circled. I don't know why they had to circle the F when it was the only red mark on the card. In the Teacher's Comments section someone had written that Clyde had "little ability to handle an academic program. "

    "A little ability is better than none," I said. No one said anything so I figured it probably wasn't the right. time to try to cheer Clyde up.
    I knew all about his switching from a commercial program to an academic program, but I really hadn't thought he'd have any trouble.

    "I saw the grade adviser today. He said I should switch back to the commercial program. " Clyde looked like he'd start crying any minute. His eyes were red and his voice was shaky. "He said that I had to take mathematics over and if I failed again or failed another required subject 1 couldn't graduate. The way it is now I'm going to have to finish up in the summer because I switched over. "
    "I think you can pass it if you really want to," Kitty said. Clyde's sister was so pretty I couldn't even look at her. If I did, I started feeling funny and couldn't talk right. Sometimes I daydreamed about marrying her.

    Just then Clyde's mother came in and he gave a quick look at Kitty.
    "Hi, young ladies and young gentlemen. " Mrs. Jones was a kind of heavy woman but she was pretty, too. You could tell she was Kitty's mother if you looked close. She put her packagege down and started taking things out. "I heard you pcople talking whcas I first came in. By the way you hushed up I guess you don't want me to hear what you were talking about. I'll be out of your way in a minute, soon as I put the frozen foods in the refrigerator. "


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