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初级英语口语教程:A Proud Linguist

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-4-16 【我来说两句


             Text B

                              What Am I Going to Do?

    Mr Davidson is standing outside his house. He has forgotten to bring his key with him. Henry Black and John Field walk past and they say "Hello" to Mr Davidson. MR DAvIDSON:   Hello, boys. Can you help me? I've forgotten my key and I can't get in.
JOHN AND HENRY:   We'll try our best , Mr Davidson.
MR DAVIDSON:   You're both taller than me, aren't you?
JoHN:   Yes , I'm over five foot ten. I'm the tallest of the three of us.
HENRY:   But I'm almost as tall as John.
MR DAVIDSON:   Can you climb on John's shoulders and reach that window?
HENRY:   All right. (He climbs on John's shoulders. ) What shall I do now?
MR DAVIDSON:   Open the window, please, and climb through it into the house.
HENRY:   Oh dear , I can't move it . It's fastened in side.
MR DAVIDSON:   Can you break the window?
JoHN:   Look ! There's a policeman ! He's coming towards us.



   Question on Text B
7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading
and retell the story to your partner.

  Adventure at Midnight
    Long ago there 1 ived two brothers who were very poor. They lived in tiny huts at opposite sides of their large wheat field. At the end of each summer, when harvest time came, the brothers divided the grain they had grown into two equal parts. Some of it they took to be milled into flour, from which they baked bread. The rest was sold for money, with which they bought shoes, clothing, and tools.
    Although they toiled from sunup to sundown, six days a week, they hardly had enough to eat. In spite of this, they were happy because of their great love for one another.

    But one year, Sirnon, the younger brother. felt a great sadness.
His wife said, "Tell me what is making you so blue? You no longer sing while you work, and the twinkle is gone from your eye. "

    "You are right , dear wife. I am worried about my older brother , Ruben. He is alone in the world, with neither wife nor children. Who will care for him when he gets old and can no longer work? If only he had some money to save for his old age! It isn't fair that we share the harvest equally. But he is proud and will not accept gifts from me. What shall I do?"
    "Would you take food from your own children? " She asked in astonishment. "There is nothing you can do, "'she said. "So forget it. "

    Simon knew that his wife was right , but he was determined to help Ruben, come what might.
Meanwhile, Ruben was sitting under a tree, thinking deeply. When he noticed a bird on the way to its winter home, he said, that bird and I are fortunate because we are free. Neither of us has a wife and children always needing to be fed. But my poor brother, Simon, is burdened with a family.


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