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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-4-28 【我来说两句


A nano nap is a period of sleep which lasts between 15 and 30 seconds. It is generally involuntary, and often occurs when people are incredibly tired and bored. Many office workers and students are familiar with the concept, thanks to falling asleep during meetings and classes.

 “打盹儿”(nano nap)指持续时间在15到30秒之间的小睡状态。这种睡眠状态通常是无意识的,多数是在人们极度疲劳和无聊的时候出现的。很多办公室职员和学生都对这个词很熟悉,因为他们经常会在开会或者上课的时候“打盹”。

 For example:
He was caught taking a nano nap during the conference call.

Although napping in general is believed to be beneficial, the benefits of the nano nap are dubious, since one is generally not asleep long enough to truly relax. In fact, since one usually feels guilty and stressed when waking up from a nano nap, it is entirely possible that the nap may actually make the napper feel worse.



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