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中级英语口语教程(35)Never Give up the Hope of Living

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-4-16 【我来说两句

    In December that year, she had an operation. Afterwards she received chemical and radioactive treatments, but little effect could be seen. The cancer began to spread to the lymph nodes and bones.
    While she was hospitalized she often saw patients around her die. She was terribly frightened and she felt on the brink of death herself.

    In June 1986, she heard that qigong could help cure cancer. Though she didn't completely believe it, she saw a glimmer of hope and decided to try It.
    She also went to Ditan Park to learn qigong and was assigned to the class that was instructed by Guo Chengpei.
    "Everyone in my qigong class looks vigorous and energetic,"Chen said. "There is no sign that they have had the deadly disease. It gives me confidence
and courage to live on. "

    She often sought advice from Guo and he always helped her patiently and enthusiastically. They shared experiences and encouraged each other. At last love blossomed in the young couple's hearts.
    After three years of constant qigong practice, Chen's condition is stable. Now she says she has a better appetite and sleeps more soundly.

    "Curing cancer through qigong had a scientific basis," Guo said. "The growth of cancer cells is restrained when one breathes plenty of oxygen. After one properly practises qigong for quite a long time, he is able to greatly enlarge his respiratory capacity. This is good for cancer patients. "

    Drawing on his own experience, Guo thinks that combinations of qigong, Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine are the best way to conquer cancer. And he said a wholesome psychological outlook is the most important thing.
    "Everyone suffering from cancer should think like this; Even if the survival
rate in cancer is only 0. 1 per cent , I am the 0. 1 per cent , " Guo said. "Those who can get better the fastest are those who are strong in spirit. "
    The couple hope that all cancer patients love life and never lose their hope of living.

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