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中级英语口语教程(32)Do You Know Your Own Character?

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-4-16 【我来说两句

    You're impulsive and sometimes regret your actions-you need to think things through. Fortunately, you're lucky in most enterprises but, when things don't work out, you suffer bouts of depression.
    Although your life is a series of ups and downs you're very adaptable. With your restless spirit, you rarely stay in one place for long. You're open and honest and hate hypocrisy. So you can be rebellious at times, which can lead you into conflict. You're never one to shrink from arguments.

    Tigers are natural leaders and you should rise to the top of your profession, though you don't like bureaucracy and hate obeying orders. And despite your great leadership qualities , you can be indecisive and overly sensitive to criticism.
    Tigresses are lively and witty, and you're great hostesses. You take care over your appearance and are good with children. You have great teachirig qualities , too. You have a very caring and generous nature.

    Tigers have many commendable qualities and you are often an inspiration for other people. You'll have full and satisfying lives-provided that you can curb those wild excesses!


    Intelligent and well-mannered, rabbits prefer a quiet existence so you hate any sort of unpleasantness and will try to steer clear of arguments and disputes. You're a pacifist and tend to have a calming influence on those around you.
    With your .wide interests you appreciate the arts and finer things in life. You know how to enjoy yourself and gravitate to the best restaurants and night spots.

    You're a witty and intelligent speaker and love being involved in a good discussion, when your views and advice are often sought. You rarely raise your voice in anger and will even turn a blind eye to matters which displease you just to preserve the peace. You can be a sensitive soul and take any form of criticism badly.

    A quiet, efficient worker, you have an extremely good memory. You're often astute in business and finance but hate making quick decisions. You're a planner who doesn't like to take risks. Because you're, conscientious you will do well in your chosen profession-you're an excellent diplomat and would make a good lawyer or shopkeeper. You're a great collector, and many Rabbits derive pleasure from stamps or antiques.


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