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中级英语口语教程(32)Do You Know Your Own Character?

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-4-16 【我来说两句

         Text B

    It's going to be a busy and immensely satisfying year for you, during which hard work will pay off-in a big way! One turn of events may be resented at first, but this will work out well. Generally, it will be a year of surprises during which you should seize opportunities which present themselves , branching out mto new areas.

    The year won't be without awkward problems, though, and you may find yourself having to deal with something distasteful. You should be wary of acting without the backing of others. Failure to do so could leave you feeling isolated.

    Family matters will keep you busy and you'll also be involved in major home improvements-these could be much bigger than you first realised. Financially, it will be a very lucky year and you should think seriously about starting a long term savings policy as a shrewd investment in years to come.

    Generally, 1988 will be a good year and if you follow your own judgment, it will be very fulfilling for you indeed.

    Tigers are going to be very lucky in many ventures. You'll find yourself in demand. You need to resist distractions, however, and concentrate on one thing at a time.

    At home you should tread carefully. Someone close to you may sometimes resent being kept out of your activities. Time spent with your family vill be enjoyable and rewarding and more friends will come into your circle. You'll have a very busy social life this year and several influential people will help your career.

    It's a highly romantic year , too , and you may become engaged or married. Financially~, you need to restrain your spending and should seek professional advice before committing any money.
    Over-exertion could lead to headaches and you'll need time for recreational activities, with a few short breaks every now and then. Even Tigers need a rest! Generally, you'll be very pleased with your achievements during 1988.


    New and more demanding responsibilities lie ahead for Rabbits when you'll consolidate recent gains. Although generally quiet souls, you should not be afraid of making your views known. You are aiso going to be successful in financial matters but should avoid becoming overconfident with invesfments. However, you wili make several fortunate purchases.


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