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中级英语口语教程(32)Do You Know Your Own Character?

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-4-16 【我来说两句

    Thorough and hard-working, you can occasionally be ruthless. Your confidence, will power and quick-thinking usually ensure success but when these fail, you take a long time to recover. You can be evasive, too, and won't let others into your nfidence.
    Snakes burn up so much nervous energy that, if you're not careful, you can have health problems like high blood pressure. Often a late starter, you do well in jobs that involve research, writing or planning. You're a good teacher, politician or personnel manager.

    You enjoy buying expensive gifts for friends and are renowned for your good looks.
    Female snakes have style and grace with an excellent--and expensiye--taste in clothes. You're a keen socialiser with a wide circle of friends and a knack of impressing those who matter. Despite your many interests , you like to retain a certain amount of privacy.

    Snakes are fascinated by the unknown and you're often psychic. You'll try your hand at many things and will meet success when you least expect it.


       THE HORSE
    You popular Horses are known for your elegance and charm. You adore parties and meeting people-not surprisingly, you're usually the centre of attention. You also have leadership qualities and are admired for your honesty. You talk most persuasively and love discusson and debate. With your agile mind, you are able to absorb facts quickly.

    But Horses do have fiery tempers, though you will often regret your outbursts. And you're not good at keeping secrets.
    You tend to get involved with many interests, sometimes not completing
them. With your tendency to get caught up the latest craze, you can waste your energies.

    You love independence, hate being bound up by petty rules. You still need support and encouragement, though, with your various enterprises. Multi-talented Horses tend to go far but you take a long time to recover from failure. You regard it as a humiliation.

    You like to travel and explore new, exciting places and during one stage of your life you're usually tempted to live abroad. With your adaptable nature, you usually fit in well wherever you go.

    You're a colourful dresser and very attractive to the opposite sex. You often have many prrtners before settling down. Then you're loyal and protective
to your partner, although you still like to maintain a degree of independence
with interests and hobbies.
    Outgoing female Horses are usually attractive and intelligent, with many interests, particularly outdoors. You love travel, literature, the arts-and really enjoy good conversation. Although you can be stubborn and self-centred , you have a considerate nature and with your sense of humour, usually make a good impression.


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