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中级英语口语教程(32)Do You Know Your Own Character?

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-4-16 【我来说两句


       THE GOAT
    Imaginative and creative, Goats appreciate the finer things of life. With your easy-going nature, you prefer to relax away from pressures. You hate unpleasantness, or being bound by a strict routine. Even so you're a perfectionist who gives your best once you've started on a project.

    As you need support and encouragement, you prefer to work in a team rather than on your own, when you can get worried and pessimistic. Usually you like to leave major decisions to others but, if you feel strongly, you'll act with precision and strength. You're a persuasive type, and often use your considerable charm to get your own way.

    You can, however, be rather hesitant about letting your true feelings be known and if you were prepared to be more forthright, you'd find you'd do much better.
    Despite your reserve, you can be the centre of attention in company and become an amusing host and superb entertainer.

    Of all the signs, you're the most gifted artistically and make a lasting impression in theatre, literature, music or art.
    Many Goats are religious and also have a deep interest in nature.You're nostalgic and keep mementos of childhood and souvenirs of places you've visited. You're also athletic and likely to exeel in sport.

    Female goats devote a lot of time to the family. You have excellent taste in home furnishings and often use your artistic skills to make clothes. You are great organisers, with a delightful sense of humour, and create a good impression wherever you go.
    Goats win friends easily and, with the right support, have happy, satisfying
lives, particularly if you can use your creative skills.


    Inquisitive and imaginative, Monkeys love to keep an eye on everything going on. You like to be helpful and offer adivce which is usually sensible and reliable.
    Monkeys are intelligent, well-read and eager to learn. You have a good memory and often make superb linguists. As a convincing talker, you enjoy debates and discussions-your assured manner can be very persuasive. You excel in politics, public speaking, PR work, teaching and anything involving selling.

    You can be crafty and cunning, too, and occasionally dishonest. You will seize on opportunities to make quick gains.Often you have so much confidence in your abilities that you won't listen to advice.
    Fortunately for you, you'ie good at solving problems and extricating yourself from hopeless positions. You're a master of self-preservation! With your talent, you can make lots of money but you like to spend, too, on exotic holidays and all sorts of luxuries.


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