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中级英语口语教程(32)Do You Know Your Own Character?

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-4-16 【我来说两句


    Loyal Dogs hold firm views and you're the champion of good causes. You hate any sort of injustice and will do anything to help those less fortunate.
    Dogs are direct and straightforward-but you can also be stubborn. Still, you're always prepared to listen to the views of others.

Dogs are good judges of character and very intuitive. You're admired for your integrity and resolute manner. Though you're friendly, you're not a great socialiser. Your idea of a good time is a quiet meal with friends, or a chat by the fire.
    You're often a marvellous storyteller, quick-witted and alert. You keep calm in a crisis and although you ha've a temper, outbursts are short. You're trustworthy and if you feel let down by someone, you'll rarely forgive or forget.

    Dogs usually prefer to specialise rather than dabble in different activities.
You do well in a job where you can be of service to others, like the social services, law and medicine.Motivation is important to you as you can drift through life without ever achieving much. You tend to be a worrier and rather pessimistic.
    You're nof usually easy to live with, because your moods are changeable and you set high standards. Even so, you're not short of admirers.

    Female dogs are renowned for your beauty. You're warm and caring,but until you know someone you can be secretive. Often highly intelligent, you tend to be very ambitious. You can also find bargains in the most unlikely places.
    A loving and doting pasent, you're rarely happier than when helping someone. Provided you can stop worrying, you'll have a very full life.


    Honest , kind and understanding-that's the Pig. You're a natural peacemaker and will do everything you can to sort out any differences of opinion.
    You're a good talker who hates hypocrisy. You believe firmly in law and order, although you're tolerant and forgiving, too.
    Pigs are popular and enjoy company. You can be relied on to lend a helping hand at functions and you're a good fund raiser. Hardworking and conscientious , you're respected for your reliability.

    You're happiest when you're helping others, and you'll give up your own time without hesitation.
    With your wonderful sense of humour, you invariably have a joke or whimsical remark at the ready. You love to please and entertain people and many Pigs find a career in showbiz.
    Pigs have great difficulty saying "no" to anyone-you can be naive and gullible. Although you're a free spender, you can often be astute with money.


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