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中级英语口语教程(25):Isn't that a shame?

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-4-19 【我来说两句


    Another reader from Philadelphia claimed he learned his lesson trom an experience on a bus. This is what he wrote in his letter published in November, 1990: The last time I offered a woman a seat on the bus was in 1972 She glared at me and said. "Do I look helpless?" I replied, "No, but I thought . . . " She cut me off with, "Y'ou thought? The trouble with you chauvinists is that you don't think. Women today don't want a seat on a bus. They want equal pay. " She then launched into a women's liberation lecture. I was never so glad to get off a bus in my life.

    There are also those who are unhappy with life and hate the world in which they are living. Therefore, they used Sally's letter as an opportunity to speak out their mind. A person from Oakland does not think Sally deserves any sympathy. His reason is that overpopulation is a major problem in the universe today and there are other reasons that he dislikes this world. Therefore, he concludes that anyone who would bring a child into this "crazy, mixed-up" world is insane and deserves punishment.

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