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中级英语口语教程(11):Is He a Good Neighbour?

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-4-19 【我来说两句

Additional Information

    The time of day is about 7. 30 in the evening. You are on your way home and are presently on a subway train which is about full. At one of the stops , a young man in his eaily twenties gets on the train and sits down next to a middle-aged woman reading a book.

The man looks like he might have been drinking a little. After a few minutes, he reaches,into his pocket for a cigarette and lights up. There are signs on the subway which prohibit smoking.People usually obey the signs , since it is both dangerous and inconsiderate not to. The woman turri~ to the man and very politely says, "Excusc me, sir, but you aren't supposed to smoke on the subway. "


The man ignores her, so she once again says. "Excuse me, sir, but people don't usually smoke on the subway. " The man looks at the woman and says, "Why don't you mind your own business,lady?" The woman closes her book, very calmly stands up, looks straight at the man and says, "I think the safety of all the passengers is everyone's business, young man. " She then turns tc walk away, when suddenly the young man jumps up and grabs her by the arm and turns her around. The woman yells.

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