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中级英语口语教程(10):How to Describe Yourself

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-4-19 【我来说两句

Lesson 10

  How to Describe Yourself

             Text A

          All about me
    I'm twelve years old. I'm large for my age and have big feet which I am self-conscious about. I look like both my mum and my dad but in different ways. I have fair hair and blue eyes like my dad, and a mouth an'd expression like my mum. My nose is like my mother's and definitely nothing like my father's ( 'thank oodness'). I am very like my mum in temperament, though I don't have her very hot temper.

    I'm rather a tomboy but I'm not violent. I hate fighting and arguments. I hate being laughed at and some teasing hurts me more than I show. I tend to sulk when I am annoyed and I tend to be a bit oversensitive. Friendship is important to me with people of all ages. My home is very important to me and I would hate to be sent to a boarding school. On the whole I'm a fairly tidy persorl.

    I am quite creative with my hands. I like making models , pendants and candles as well as other things. I like acting and music, I play the French horn and can play the trumpet. I am not a very keen reader because I like to be outside most of the time. I ride my bike a lot and have been youth hosteling with it. My father lives abroad and I enjoy travelling to see him. I enjoy my food (especially my French grandmother as she is an excellent cook! ) and I have a sweet tooth but I hate the dentist. I don't like my hair being brushed by someone else and I hate it long.
    Finally, the one thing I really find boring is homework as I would far rather be outside or make something.

               Text B
            My thoughts

    I sometimes wonder what my mind is like inside, often I fancy that it is like this. I feel as if my mind goes round and round like the earth and if my lessons make me think hard it begins to spin. In my other class it was getting all stodgy and still and lumpy and rusty. I feel as if there is a ball in my mind and it is divided into pieces -each piece stands for a different mood.

The ball turns every now and then and that's what makes me change moods. I have my learning mood, my goodlooks mood, my happy mood, my loose-end mood and my grumpy mood, my miserable mood, my thoughtful mood and my planning mood. At the moment I am writing this I am in my thoughtful mood.When I am in my thoughtful mood I think out my maths and plan stories and poems. When my kitten is in her thoughtful mood she thinks shall I pounce or not, and shall I go to sleep or not. This sort of thing goes on in my own mind, too. It is very hard for me to put my thoughts into words.


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