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中级英语口语教程(4):Musical Half-Notes

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-4-19 【我来说两句

    One winter Wilson went to Finland on business. Good hotels in Finland are heated during the cold winter, and this winter was even colder than usual. When Wilson reached his room in the hotel. he found that the windows were closed to keep the icy air out. He did his best to open one , but failed. It was absolutely impossible to open it : the manager had very wisely arranged that.

    Wilson undressed and got into bed. He was a very angry man.
    The bedroom was very pleasant. Two or three pictures on the walls showed views of some beautiful parts of Finland. There was no noise at all. The bed was really excellent; but Wilson could not sleep. He could not forget the closed window. No fresh air! It was terrible to think of!

    He got out of bed and tried once more to open the window; but it was useless, and he sadly got back into bed.
At about one o'clock in the morning he was still awake, worrying about the air in the bedroom. He had turned over in bed two hundred and thirty-six times. He was very hot. As he turned over for the two hundred and thirty-seventh time, one arm came out of the bedclothes and hung down beside the bed. His hand touched the floor. It also touched something on the floor. This thing was a shoe.

    An idea came into his worried mind. Angry men act quickly,
and the shoe was in his hand in less than a second. Where was the window? He could see something that looked like glass over there. He threw the shoe through the darkness with all the force of his strong right arm.

    The shoe flew straight through the air and hit the glass in the middle. A terrible sound of breaking glass filled the bedroom,
but to Wilson's sad heart it seemed like the sound of sweet and beautiful music.
    "Now I have some fresh air in the room," he thought. "NOW I need not die. "
    Five minutes later he was peacefully asleep. He did not move for many hours.

    When daylight came gently through the window, he awoke and lay with his eyes closed. Where was he? Oh, yes! He was in Fioland; but what the matter? Was auytlting wrong'? There was something to worry about What was it? Oh. the broken windmv! Yes, indeed. He would have to pas?for that.How much.? Was it a big piece of glass? He could not remember. He Opened his eyes to look.

    Slowly he tnrned them towards the window. and then he sat up suddenly in bed. He was very surprised: the window was not broken at all. The glass was all in one piece. just as good as it had been the might before. No fresh air was etitering the room through that window.
    What,then,had happened when he threw the shoe?
    He turned his eyes to the side and saw a broken picture hanging on the wall.There was a shoe on the floor below it. He could see a lot of broken glass round the shoe . and there was more inside it.


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